What We Do

SheSpeaks' Inc. annual 'The Voice of One' Millennial Scholarship
We're delighted to collaborate with Tuscaloosa Career & Technology Academy each year in awarding SheSpeaks' Inc. “The Voice of One” Millennial Scholarship to a graduating female student with a college acceptance letter who submits an essay on, “The Power of My Voice!”
To date, ten students have been awarded scholarships!

Tuscaloosa Career & Technology Academy (TCTA)
In 2017, SheSpeaks, Inc. chose Tuscaloosa Career & Technology Academy as our Adopt-A-School and we support and collaborate with them for our annual scholarship!
In 2019, TCTA selected SheSpeaks, Inc. as one of their Power Partner charter members.
We get to support TCTA’s Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Tourism cohorts in professional etiquette presentations where we instruct and roll play proper manners, telephone and email etiquette, making introductions and small talk, dining etiquette, and basic hard and soft skills. The students are awesome!
The Department of Human Resources Independent Living Program for Foster Children (ILP)
SheSpeaks is proud to support the Independent Living Program where foster youths ages 17-21 live in agency-leased apartments and learn essential skills such as budgeting, job searching, housekeeping, cooking, and building healthy relationships. With the help of social workers, youth in this program interview for jobs, gain employment and enroll in college, helping them become healthy, successful adults.

SheSpeaks is proud to support other organizations, efforts, and events including:
Martinview Assisted Living Facility | Turning Point Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Services | Bottoms Up Diaper Bank | Gifts of Love for Single Mothers | Daystar Family Church Youth Camps | One Big Christmas Annual Gift Drive